Saturday, July 31, 2010

Train And Bus Groping 2010

zip_312 @ 2010-07-31T21: 53:00

Probably that I am obsessed with everything falls under the category "books", but look what I found buried under tons and tons of books Harmony

Old books that have gone in who knows how many hands. Who knows what they saw, since they were printed.
media are destroyed, poor, and the bindings made by hand are giving, but you should feel the sensation that gives the pages between your fingers.
The rhymes of Francesco Petrarch, printed in 1805
These are on the Inquisition English, too early 's 800. They should have been six, but I found only four * sigh *

The Jerusalem Delivered of Tasso, 7 December 1778.
♥ ♥ ♥

Ok, I praise with nothing, okay ...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nissan Off Road Lamps

Dog pimp

Zampa, three years, half-breed.
Oh, what are you doing? I photograph? Put down that thing, really!
Look how cute they are. I do not make them two scratch card?
Daiiii, only two, then leave you in peace and no longer seeks to lick behind the knees, I swear!
While you're there, is only handed me one of those cookies? No? They are chubby enough already, you say?
Well, it means that someone else try to ensnare. Sooner or later someone may fall, I know.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mosquito Scar Removal

Clear, fresh and sweet waters

was worth doing to destroy the tomato paste (ommioddio, I had never seen so many jars) just for this.
Try the new pool at the house of my cousins.

is not beautiful?
Yes, it's huge. I do not know how many feet it is, but what you see in the background is a football goal. In the
also has a whirlpool. * * Invidiainvidiainvidia
How I wish I had
* sigh * God, I'm seriously considering the idea of moving their home from now until the beginning of winter dreams * *
Have I never said that I love my cousins? No? Well, I tell you now, I love them to death.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Actors With Anti-social Personality Disorder

When the phone you down by bed early ...

... can not be anything good. And this morning the damn
rang before eight o'clock. "I want do some 'tomato sauce' I said my grandmother.
Eh, a bit 'last year was like a hundred pounds of tomatoes.
you have some problems at hand and instead of cutting them to you, me and two of my cousins, we offered to do it for him. Not quite voluntarily, but oh well.
I never thought of being in front of this

Please note the carriage to move from place to place, because otherwise they were too heavy for our poor backs (Oh, there instill left are my legs, I had not noticed. You see what happens to leave the phone in his hand to his cousin)

Two hundred and fifty pounds. God, I do not know how many tomatoes I cut today, but I hurt my hands.
Tomorrow should be boiled, past and jars.
not escape alive, I already know.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sorority Recommendation Letter Template

zip_312 @ 2010-07-25T19: 11:00 Quick Quick Post

I'm terrified.
My dog has a certain age, eleven and a half years.
Even when he was little more than a puppy to the vet had found a lipoma on the tail, which later was absorbed by itself. Over the last year, year and a half, I found him on four other along the backbone and side abbastaza has two little ones, while in the thorax and between the anus and tail have a good size. More than a sebaceous cyst on his eye.
The vet did a needle aspiration in all, an ultrasound, a chest x-ray, blood tests, and would not let him off. He did not bother, he says. But as always benign tumors. Zip
limp, no longer wants to go for a walk too long, has gained weight. Ok, is aging, there is.
But it seems that everything is happening too fast.
I realize, looking into his eyes, when you get time to let it go?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Abraham Lincolns Knife

Tonight, here, in a remote village in Lombardy, is the feast of the League. Maybe with a lot of Bossi included in the package.
He hailed. laugh.

Three posts in one day. Will not happen again.

EDIT days after
Bossi was not there representing the party came Maroni.
Well, it matters little, however, hail is served ^ _ ^

Red Cervical Mucus Pregnancy

Um ... meow? Plush Animals

Here they are, they are my two strays! In order: Pussy & Bow.
Picture taken type
this fall to begin? So ... Fiocco. I found three years ago, probably the victim of early summer. It took me months to be able to convince him to get in touch and take his arm, but eventually I managed to take off a collar too tight for him, with a locket with her name written. Fiocco. Phone number? Deleted.

I do not know how old she is, but it's young. Does not like being picked up too, prefers to climb alone until they reach high enough to rub her head under my chin.
Pussy (hooray the original! XD) I found that it was still a Smurfette, did not even three months. Finding enough trauma, among others. I would say that I was brought two years ago. From a good person by heart? Of course not, but as a child! And she's Girl, the pastor of a German farm:

Now, you should know that Bimba cats can not see them, bite them and kill them in less than two minutes. When I saw a kitten in her mouth already feared the worst. Instead, after having opened his mouth to force and have a lovely set of five or six cm scar on my arm, I still do. Poor kitten was scared and he sank his claws I realized that, fortunately, the little girl was fine. Flow to the vet anyway, but it is out of this adventure without a scratch.

She understandably was the terror of the dogs, but otherwise has grown strong and healthy. She, unlike his partner, loves to be picked up. Just sits there with her close, jump on my knees and nothing would bring her down.
are bellini, eh?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Church Pastor Invitation


No, everything is fine, but now is exaggerated.
My house seems to be a branch of a garden zoo.
Count with me, shall we?
Lately you can find:
- a Beagle. Oh well, he's the only one who has the right to be there, as my dog.
- a cross with an Italian Lupo, the neighbor, but if this continues will reside in my home, rather than his.
- an owl, which decided to blow the whistle all night perched outside the window of my room is pretty funny. Yes, always the same.
- a buzzard adulthood. Oh, think it's a buzzard. Or maybe it's a black kite? Should I see it more closely to understand it. E 'brown dark and it's definitely bigger than a crow. Hunting by day, and I have already seen a few times to take a swallow in flight. It 'a show, but have not yet managed to take some pictures.
- a hedgehog, that for a couple of days has slipped under my hydrangeas. I've got to take it and take it somewhere more appropriate for him, because it is too near the road, if I'm careful not to become a pastry urchin in less than five minutes.
- two stray cats, a male and a female (you want to see? If I had my plague with all of the photos) that I know and already feeds a couple of years, but I can not take, because I hate unmotivated by my mother. I took them in the garden at the moment, because some idiot is spreading around emeritus poisonous bites, and I would not even reach them.
- this thing ... that seems to be a Louisiana shrimp

just found this morning in the bowl of water Zip. I do not understand how the heck got there, though. He also still here waiting to figure out what to do with it.
I love animals, but not too many are becoming ?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dermatologist Recommended Powder Foundation

up early tomorrow

As the title suggests, tomorrow I'll have to get up at a time impractical. The six. God, I feel bad right now * cries *
clarify the situation, it should be '.
My best friends are two guys very thing that makes Golden Trio that, for the sake of privacy, in this post I will call Tom and Dick.
Dude, months and months ago, he met a girl I can not remember on which forum. Everything is normal, ok. For some time they started cooing like two pigeons and tomorrow is the fateful day of the First Encounter X Live. The place chosen is
Padua, not just around the corner for us. And because it
lontanuccio, Tom can not find a plausible excuse with her and does not want to go alone, Caio and I we were sacrificed for the cause. The odd man out, YAY.
I do so willingly, for charity, but realize that the train leaves at eight, Tom goes to take fourth at seven but I first I've got to wake up, have breakfast, get ready and take your dog out . This means getting up at least six

Friday, July 16, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get A Va Appraisal

zip_312 @ 2010-07-16T22: 12:00

* sigh * I swear I'm trying, not to pollute the picture every post but ... but ... this is not cute?
For those who asked if he ( someone if they ask?) small Pushi spends more time in my in his garden, but it's so pucciosa that is a pleasure to play. Today was a show, while trying to dig into the bowl of water which then is taken for a walk around the rest of the afternoon I Miss
With legs and arms covered with scratches. Bites. And those evil milk teeth are bad dog! Among other things, there's no way to open her mouth and pull out a strip there took some good (read: well-aimed bucket of water, out of desperation). Trying to open it by force we have not achieved anything. Lei.Non.Molla.
And this leads me to wonder what kind of intersection is. In short, they are always successful to open his mouth to any type of dog, the Rottweiler from meticcetti. The vet and he is right in his veins runs the blood of even Lupo Italian? Mah
For posterity will judge.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Make A Lolly Wreath

Um, yes, I am obsessed with canines

After leaving a post to say goodbye to Rocky welcome to leave a little girl who came after him.
Calling push (or something like that. Romanian word that means "doll").
E 'un'esserina magnificent maybe ten pounds. My neighbors claim that should not become too big, but look at the size of its legs will at least say that at least forty pounds, if not more. In short, if in three months has this size is certainly not small. Mr.
has a temper, the girl. Already at this sends messages DominanteDominanteDominante. He tried to mount my dog. Yes, it's a female and my male (gay, but still male).
barks a lot. Really a lot. Should be raised with the wrist, but with a good education will become a great guard dog.
I like it, interact a lot and has already learned the basic commands. And it's cuddly. He sits down, looks at you and waiting to be touched and if by chance you do not you stick your head under his arm and demands attention. One love.
God, I eat it with kisses.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Samanthaanderson 38 G New Vids 2010

zip_312 @ 2010-07-10T21: 38:00

My mom came back from the lake today saying that, poor thing, did not take even a little 'color .
Now ok that my complexion is clear, but if this is not having much tan I do not know what it is!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What Are The Effects Of Hemorrhoids?

zip_312 @ 2010-07-06T16: 20: 00

I've decided. I want to move to the North Pole. But it's OK to the South Pole Or a glacier choice.
can not do all this heat! I mean, there are cicadas ! In Sydney! Until last year there were!
When I woke up this morning thundered. No time to rejoice because it would have cooled a bit ', which had already stopped. Argh.
The heat makes me nervous. And irritable. Quite a bit irritable.
Blessed be the air conditioner ( especially the one in my room). But re-argh!, You can not tererlo lit day and night.
But I console myself, some are made worse off than me. My dog for example.

No, look! His face is from: Are you calling me? But how are you calling me?! No I do not get up! I caaaaaldo me!
At least I'm not covered with fur.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Metronidazole How Long Does It Take To Work

zip_312 @ 2010-07-04T13: 34:00

Yesterday trip to the lake, or better, mom to bring us stay for a week. YAY! If you think that I have led you wrong, are an inability at the wheel. Riva del Garda.

It was terribly hot there too, but the water was eighteen degrees. A thermal shock that I even imagined.