Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Endometriosis Where It Hurts

X-Factor 4 [7th episode] 19/10/2010

♬ First run

01. Stefano ("Yet to hear "): I found no review well defined. I liked and not liked. I was not surprised as I wanted, anyway. (And anyway, did not sing well. It 'was inaccurate and waning from start to finish) Rating: 6 (inflated and vote based purely on technical parameters because I could not judge the rest)
02. Cassandra ("Groundhog Day here ): weak to 90% of the piece and interesting only for the remaining 10%. I was not convinced that the desire to make the original song (which I have very dear to me and I believe is already much of its original construction). I thought I could get along better, but do not have to do, although I always like to Cass, this time I was disappointed a bit '. The staging won me over, however, and leads me to raise them to the court at least half a vote. rating: 7 -
03. David ( Parlami d'amore ") Figo (it is a minor and should not say this, I know! XDDD) him, something no doubt, eh. Yet I was not convinced at all. Maybe it's the song I think that Julian is one of the few Italian singers and inimitable irri-feasible, his voice is too particular to be replaced. I remain perplexed in this performance. (but that is tonight?? T__T) Quote Tata on the "smile more". rating: 7 + +
04. Kymera ("I do not know how to explain ): Very impressive, boys. Beautiful arrangement, the dynamic voice and double entries. rating: 8
05. Nevruz ("New obsession ): poor, but because of the song. And what the cowboy had nothing to do with the piece?? MYSTERY. rating: 6 +
06. Dami ("Believe me still "): From the series "How to destroy a singer" totally wrong T_T Assignment ('s wanted badly, in my opinion), the base has not helped at all bad. The piece is tostissimo and I can not imagine anyone besides Mengons to sing. It 'is perfectly centered in its style: Marco can sing Italian as English words by changing sounds and makes the song particular, has a texture that is focused on medium falsetto very characteristic. Unfortunately, I think that Dami has nothing to do with this song a lot, just because it has none of these qualities. Despite this, got away (though I would have liked a bit 'more stringent), especially in the last stanza. rating: 7 +
07. Nathalie ( you are part of me ): more and more beautiful, this time even the dress was perfect! * O * Brava, although, as usual, too much push and voice "scratch." I did not never noticed how his voice is very deep in the bass notes, wonder. rating: 8 +
08. Roger (7000 coffee "): O_____O Best performance ever, people! E 'was really amazing, oh! Very good, fresh, fun, natural, dancer and actor! Great! I'm glad to finally have found a piece like a glove! =) (And I was really skeptical about the choice of song! Brava Mara!) Rating: 8

ballot for Cassandra and Roger . Cassandra for a while 'I was expecting, but definitely not Roger! Especially because it was his best performance! I thought it was more likely the ballot for Stephen. Boh! . _.

♬ Second run - Last clash
Brava Cassandra in the piece with the base. You could see he was a bit 'demoralized, but he sang very well, despite looking a little' pissed! XD
Caruccio piece together well with Roger. Better than I remembered!
Boccio a cappella piece chosen by Cassandra, despite the excellent running (not that I wanted this great ability, though).
I love the song by Billy Joel and Roger decided that he performed well, but nothing special, I must say.
The judges vote and decide to eliminate Cassandra . * cry *
I did not expect and just hoping that they took instead of Roger Cass, I have always found more mature than him and certainly with more talent (although, as I said, Roger fared very well in the heat).

Comments ♬ various
- I love the episodes that end at 23.30, from my heart. \\ O /
- Dorina 's back: it made the song even pleasant Tatangelo's debut! It 's a myth !!!!! XDDD Great, Dorina! \u0026lt;3 I will miss. T____T
- Elio ahahahaha looool
disguised as Henry - Enrique Iglesias 's Moment: AMMAPPACHEFIGO There was even a year old! O_O Too bad for the voice .. the first was not so bad! T___T And the song, type .. very bad.
- Mara first on iTunes!! Olèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè is !!!!!
- It was not a good idea of Italian songs of the last ten years. I saw all the weaker performance than usual. (But then, there are very few good songs of the last ten years T_T)
- What puccio Enrique in the comments. * O *
- Misunderstood LOOOOOOOOOL Talent (even though I was hoping that they did revise Chao! LOL)
- A Mara will make the video!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!
- It 's amazing, but the expression of Tatangelo is always the same every time there is a runoff. Type beaten as a puppy, but do not give much that. X ° ° ° ° D
- Very little quotes more! T___T

♬ Citations
- If I go up here (in heels), the return is not insured (Mara Maionchi)
- Hello, I am Chao. (Talent Misunderstood)


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