Thursday, December 28, 2006

Color Lipstick For Blonde Fair Skin

and then you know ...

Brownie is an English Bulldog. E 'born September 29, 1997 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Since July 1999 he shared his life with me.
I do not know how many of you know the book "story of a dog and master to whom he taught life" but I am sure those of you who read it will understand the rest of this post ...

A Brownie
I owe my life. If some of you have got to know me in person, or just read about me on these electronic pages, know that you owe it to him. I had a very hard period in my life in 2001, and only its presence prevented me from doing ... things that you can not repent because then you fly or 21 grams in heaven or hell.

When all forsake me, he was there. You can certainly say "... you are easy to feed him, it is clear that we're close." True, but not quite. Some things we did at that time can not be explained so simply ... One night, drunk, lost, I was on the couch feeling sorry for himself for what was my life. He went up on the couch and pushed literally his head under my arm, building on the chest. He did not move all night. We slept there. When I woke up from time to time, was there staring at me with that look that only has a Bulldog.

Once, seeing me sitting on the kitchen floor in despair, I sat in front and began to Appoint me ... for three hours. Three hours are not a few ... stood there and stared at me and I stroked him occasionally. When I got up to go to bed, followed me and was crouching beside the bed, looking at me. I think you would check that I did not shit myself. The morning was still there. He had not moved an inch. There are numerous times that I was amazed with attitudes and actions that normally not associated with a dog.

has nine years and has already breached the average life of three years of his race. Every day is with me, is a gift. The trouble is that today could be your last. At Christmas he was from God play, run around, was always under the table in the hope that "fall" something. Yesterday morning was still, and the look was opaque. It 's never a good sign in a dog ... Travel to the vet, who wants to take 24 hours and run tests.

by X-ray is a dark mass, but the veterinarian is unable to understand if the spleen or liver. If it is a cancer of the spleen, you can remove it and Brownie can live much longer. If the liver is ... game over. A liver cancer it can not be cured, and no liver, no one lives. Today, at one and a half will undergo a laparotomy, at which point I'll know.

today I'll know if a goodbye for the last time, in a river of tears (I cry now as I write too, I admit) or if the tears will follow in a few days the endless joy of being able to take home with me for other , wonderful days together. I ask you not to pray or that ... only if you read this, think about it. Thanks.


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