Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Undf Fájl Lejátszás

a year?! Well you

sometimes need to rearrange ideas.
I offer my apologies for the silence, it is nice not to know how you are, when people know you in person and ask if you're in the obituaries or in happies. (For the record, I am part of the second group)

morning in the office was all very quiet, not moving anything, no phone calls, email it to follow up that ticket, so I began to reread what I wrote here fra il 2003 ed il 2004... wow! Introspezione pura! E non mi riconosco affatto !

Diciamo che ero acido e volgare, e che non mi piace ne quanto ho scritto in precedenza ne il tono che ho utilizzato per scriverlo... okay, forse "ad ogni passo" lo salvo, ma il resto... certo che è un bel viaggio personale rileggere cosa si ha scritto 24 mesi prima... provate, è davvero incredibile, un bel viaggio in voi stessi.

Non scrivo da un anno... "che hai fatto in un anno nick? capisco pensarci su un pò prima di digitare, ma un anno..."

eh... dai, gente, siamo sinceri: un anno a volte è un tempo dannatamente lungo, ed a volte invece è veloce come un pensiero. Lo sappiamo tutti e you all are compared. With regard to the subject Nick, we can say that it is flown. Flew literally, this morning I open my LJ and I see that I write for a year ... say a year, yet it seemed to me ... last week?

Come on, you know ... I miss some people known here, like archaeologists so sexy that if I were gay we would try and Indiana Jones is like comparing an actor of some advertising Nestle - by definition poor, or teachers who give their souls for Emilia their kids - and I teach 17 year olds to 15.16 and now I know many many many things - or even girls that call you without you ever seen to tell you things, or patapuffococcolosi with whom you've been drinking schnapps under the shank of the sun and yet you remember ... here, come on, you want to see me cry? ah-ha .... no guys, repeat ... a year ... but missed you, eh?

I got no texts to undergo, you know? E 'success of all - back in the U.S. on July 7, and who knows me well knows how much I have missed in six years that I could not go there - and then a bunch of other things e. .. e.


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